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Tom & Jerry


(I Begin) To Think Again of You

(Pretty Baby) Don't Say Goodbye

A Charmed Life

Aeroplane of Silver Steel

Air Freshner

All of My

All Through the Night

Anna Belle

Ask Me Why

Baby Talk

Back Seat Driver

Beat Love


Cards of Love

Carlos Dominguez

Cry, Little Boy, Cry

Dancin' Wild


Don't Say Goodbye

Dream Alone

Dreams Can Come True

Express Train

Fightin' Mad


Forever and After

Forgive Me

Get Up & Do the Wobble

Get Up and Do the Wobble

Green Onions

He Was My Brother

Hey School Girl

Hey Schoolgirl

I Wish I Weren't In Love

I'd Like to Be

I'm Lonely

I'm Lonesome

Jak Tom a Jerry

Just a Boy

Just to Be With You

Let Me Steal Your Heart Away

Lighthouse Point



Lookin' At You

Looking at You

Maximum Style

Maxium Booty Style Pt.II




Our Song

Play Me A Sad Song

Please Forgive Me

Private World



Simon Says

Sleepy Sleepy Baby

Surrender, Please Surrender

Take Me to the Top

Teen Age Fool

That Forever Kind of Love

That's My Story

Tia-Juana Blues

Tijuana Blues

Tom a Jerry

Tom ja jerry

True Or False

Two Teenagers

Up and Down the Stairs



Wow Cha Cha

Wow Cha Cha Cha

Boule, pády, úrazy

Dál Tom a Jerry jdou

Děti ráje

Filmoví kámoši

Haló Tome, haló Jerry

Indián to je pán

Jo, tys mě zmlátil

Po cestách růžových

Spí Tom a vstává

Žraločí čau

Ztráta paměti

I Don't Believe Them

It Means A Lot To Them

The Girl For Me

The Lone Teen Ranger

The Magnificent Seven

Theme From "Come September"